Krystyna’s comments
On the visit to Starting Over Support we promised funds for 10 washing machines.
Robyn T. thinks SOS can get them for $300 each.
Funds do not appear to have been transferred.
We promised My Home $3600 from the concert for kitchen goods not yet transferred.
Kaye indicated the funds are ready but My Home is not yet ready to buy the goods.
The Pride of Workmanship award has been discussed but not actioned.
Dan wants to include it in next year’s projects.
Rob suggested awards should be recommended by employers.
Busselton Rotary have a great project called Shelter Bags for the Homeless.
Many other clubs are joining in. Krys thinks we should look at it.
Dee’s comments
Foodbank wants volunteers to fill hampers weekdays 9-2.
At 9465 conference a great project in medical science called Faecal Transplants was introduced.
Dee thinks we should look at it.
Scholarships for indigenous trainee teachers are available to be funded.
Reconciliation WA has a week of special events 29 May to 2 June, including a walk for reconciliation in King’s Park.
There is also a virtual breakfast. Details from Dee.
Kalamunda City has produced a reconciliation plan with help from local elders.
Dee thinks this may be link we can use to meet elders and join in.
Judy Nunn is keen to visit our club, possibly in May/ June.
An honourable membership for Judy was proposed.
Bill’s comments
The upgrade of the Stirk Park soundshell lighting is imminent.
Bill is doing all the organising including a plaque commemorating the installation by Rotary and the shell engineer Lou Harding.
Laith is going to foot the cost.
Kaye’s comments
The CEO of foodbank is a local and wants to speak to the club.
Rob’s comments
Ken Wyatt, well known to Rob, Is the contact for assisting indigenous scholars who board at St Brigid’s.
There are also opportunities to assist indigenous scholars at KSHS.
Did we send funds to the flood appeal?
Dan confirmed the board has approved $5000 to the Flood appeal and $5000 to the Ukraine appeal.
Sheryl’s comments
The April Market in Stirk Park last weekend had about 85 stalls attending.
The location for May is a matter of intense discussion with an uncooperative City.