Reminder for members to buy tickets for 31st May Observatory Visit.  Only 40 available. click here for booking (only 26 tickets left!)
Prospective member Kym Page will be inducted on 17th May.
Xmas in July Social event 23rd July at Carmel Tea Rooms TBC
Markets. Sheryl explained modified arrangements for this Saturday and confirmed there will be no Markets in June
School Links Programme  Ric introduced the School Link Booklet which outlines all Rotary Programmes for High School students. District is pushing for more involvement with Four Way Test  . Dan and Krys have agreed to visit our local High Schools and meet with Principals to explain the range of link programmes available. This will be in the new Rotary Year.  Krys to ask District how many schools participated this year in 4 Way Test.
Ric  would like to reinstate the IPAD  prize which used to be awarded to a deserving and needy student following the V.E,T, course at Darling Range Sports College.
Kay introduced the possibility of buying a Bird Drinking Station as part of the Black Cockatoo Project. Cost $5,000.  Enquiries will be made via Karrakin Cockatoo Sanctuary to find suitable location.
Foodbank Volunteers Kaye, Robyn and Helen spent one day working at the venue and are now going to volunteer on a monthly basis.  Well done !
Membership.  Costs of membership and how they could be subsidised was discussed. Could a fundraiser eg Sausage Sizzle be appropriate?  District Membership Chair James McLeod to be invited to run a session in the near future.