Dear Rotary Club of Kalamunda, 
It's been almost 2 years since I last wrote to the club, so I figured it would be nice to reach out to you again. First of all, I hope you are all doing well despite the uncertain conditions we all live under at the moment. I was glad to hear that WA has become a corona-free state! 
I am almost 19 years old now and doing well at home in Denmark. Next week I will enter my last year of high school at the international United World College in Maastricht, The Netherlands! I remember there was a Dutchie in the Rotary club - perhaps they know Maastricht? 
I feel that the school I go to is very much an extension of the values I learnt from Rotary; kindness, curiosity and giving back to your community. I often think about how the Rotary Youth Exchange programme led me in every way to where I am today and how thankful I will always be for that. That one year changed everything about my perspective! Although my English accent has sadly become quite Americanised, I still catch myself using phrases such as: "Chuck it in the bin", "No worries" and "Good on ya", so there's still a slight tint of Aussie in me.
I am finishing my final exams in May and am planning to take a gap year and return to Western Australia if everything is back to normal then. Hopefully I can come back and join a Rotary meeting again. I still try my best to keep in contact with my Australian host families, friends and exchange student friends, and have been so lucky to be able to meet up with around 10 of the 16 exchange students from my year of Rotary Exchange. 
I hope the previous years of Kalamunda exchange students have enjoyed being in your club as much as I did - you truly are a great one with a fantastic Aussie and Rotarian spirit!
I am sending you some photos from my school and a catch-up with friends from exchange in Australia. 
The warmest regards and best wishes for you all,
Katrine Fugl